Daily Words 03/05 - See Church goers

Daily Words 03/05
Topic: Born again or church goer?
John 3:1-21.

John 3:9,10
Nicodemus answered and said unto 
him, How can these things be?
 Jesus answered and said unto him,
Art thou a master of Israel,
 and knowest not these things?
Are you born again or just a church goer?

The message of "be born-again" has not really been understood by many.

Some think it just being there in church when its time to go there. I was talking with a friend a time ago asking him if all was okay in Christ (that's if he is born again).

His answer was;

"I go to church you know, sing in the choir and its good. So I believe I'm okay".

I paused and wondered. I told him no. To be born again is far more than that.

Like Nicodemus, many are still like that. You could imagin a man having a post almost like reverend, cathechist, church steward, or even a pastor, but didn't know what it is to be bornn again.

Jesus died on the cross of Calvary to take away the sins of the whole world. That was the singular reason He came. To bridge the gap between humans and God.
Since man fell in the garden, God have chosen a ways to reconcile with man and that was the death of Christ on the cross.

Being born again is not to go into your mother's womb the second time. But to believe on Christ's vicarious death on the cross.

The question is "which side are you on. Born again or church goer?"

Except a man be born of water (that's the word of God) and the spirit (that is the spirit of God living in you), he can not be born again.

How can one be born again?

John 3:16

1. Aknowledge your sins, believe Christ to cleanse you from it

3. Confess it to Him (Romans 10:9, 10)

4. And live holy (flee all apearance of evil 1Thess 5:22)

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