See church that was perfect and zealous

Many preachers today instead of building, they break.
by teaching false gospel. They do what displeases God and lead people astray.

Paul’s salutation and praise (1 Thessalonian 1:1-10)
Paul, Timotheus and Silas at this time had already gone to the Thessalonians by the leading of the Holy Ghost (Acts 16:3, 6, 25).
Paul had a heavenly vision in the night when a Macedonian prayed him to come over to the Macedonians and to help them;

And a vison appeared to Paul in the night;

There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him,

saying, Come over in Macedonia, and help us.

(Acts 16:9)
After this vision, Paul did not disobey the leading of the Holy Ghost but went with Silas through to Macedonia. In chapter 17 of Acts, they came to Thessalonica. Then many believed and received the gospel as Paul preached to them in the synagogue.

Paul’s acknowledgement (verse 1)

"Paul, and Sylvanus, and Timotheus, unto the
church of the Thessalonians which is in God the
father and in the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace be unto you,
and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ"

Paul was not selfish but he acknowledged those that worked with him. He didn’t take to himself all the glory but recognised the work and labour of Silas (Sylvanus) and Timotheus (Timothy).
He also acknowledged the church of the Thessalonians as church that is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a very great testimony that could be given on the behalf of any church.
Thessalonian’s acceptance of the gospel
The Thessalonian church were so obedient to the gospel and received it with the whole of their heart.
Paul only spent three Sabbath days (3 weeks) to preach to them and they received the gospel working with all Paul said.

"And Paul, as his manner was, went
in unto them, and three Sabbath
days reasoned with them out of the scriptures
Acts 16:2"

While he spent many years with the Corinthian and the still had many issues to be addressed.
Paul’s love for the Thessalonians (Verse 2)
Paul and his crew really love the Thessalonians. For that reason, they always make mention of them in prayers. That is a good credit to them. They didn’t just preached and left them to struggle their way out but prayed for them daily so that they could grow.
Verse 3:  as a result of this prayers, the Thessalonian church had grown great faith and good labour of love, patience of hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul’s message was followed with power (Verse 4, 5), this is because he was led by the Holy Ghost. He could win the heart of many in the church to really follow God and him himself (Vs 6) and this, the church became example to the other churches Paul had preached to in the Macedonian and Achaia. Not just Macedonia and Achaia but to other places that their report went for of their great faith in the God the Father.
Things to learn
  • From this introduction of the letter, I found out these about Paul; 
  •  He was passionate a soul winner
  • He had great love for the Thessalonians 
  •  He was a purposeful follow-up minister 
  • He never abandoned his converts

I discovered these about the church

  • They accepted Christ as their all
  • The accepted Paul as an example
  • They had great faith in God
  • They became light and example to others

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