Things To learn about God's Grace

God's grace (Hebrews 4:16)

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne
of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find
grace to help in time of need”

The only thing that keeps a Christian moving is the grace of God. Without this, it will really be very difficult to overcome trials, trouble, and hurdles or be even forgiven. The world really if full of things that tend to pull the attention of believers and so one needs grace to look elsewhere.
It is through the grace of God that one can be born again.
Grace itself is salvation. Titus 2:11 says
"For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men..."
Christ died on the cross to give us grace for salvation.
G- God's
R- Reaches
A- At
C- Christ's
E- Expense
Grace is when God reaches out unto sinners for repentance and also to believers for commitment all at Christ's expense, sacrifice, love and mercy.


Many today actually misunderstand the concept of grace and this makes them to be actually far away from God. One need to know how Grace works and relates with us human to know how to acquire grace.

As mentioned earlier in the introduction, the grace of God takes one to salvation.

For one to acquire grace, they must be sacrifices. This is what many don't really understand. Although grace is an unmerited favour, it needs your effort to acquire it.

Let's take human relationship as an example, a father will always favor his obedient child. The sacrifices is being obedient. Or in a football pitch, for one to score more goal or to receive passes from teammate, he must tackle, work hard so when teammates see his work they pass to him and he score goals. But when he plays selfishly, he hardly gets ball.

Same with grace.

If you would throwback at Christ's time, before he heals, he asks, "Will thou be made whole" (John5:6,). Also, anytime he becomes on sinner, he'll say "COME" (Matt 11:28, Hebrews 4:16).

Therefore, for one to gain grace from God, he has to come go it. The grace of God is always there. Remember it has appeared to all men so can have it.

Many wait for grace to come to them and still remain in their state of rottenness. It doesn't work that way.


We must have to know this. The grace of God is in two distinct ways. There are level of grace on people. That is to say that everyone have level of grace.

1. To one whom He will (Romans 9:15, Exodus 33:19, Isaiah 14:1, Malachi 1:3)

The Lord is dynamic and can never be questioned. That is why He is called LORD GOD.

They are people he grace without them working for it. Example was Apostle Paul who God saved Himself. God decides whom he wish to grace that way. Still, they are left with their choice to accept the grace. Paul would have remained Saul if he was disobedient to the call. Judas Iscariot was chosen but choose his way. Israelite were chosen but stubborn. And lots more.

2. To those that must come (Hebrews 4:16)

The others are those that would have to come.

The difference between the two is that God does one himself directly by His voice or occurrence while the other is indirectly through pastors, friends and messages. But all is done by God (Phil 2:13).

1. All have access to it

2. It is from God

3. It saves from sin

4. It keeps one moving on

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