Written by Anyam Daniel Terkimbi
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Heavenly race is a wonderful race with a glorious end if we continue to the end (Rev 21:4,7, 22:7,12). However, Satan and flesh will not fold their hands for you to succeed but must fight against your success. That is why we must be steadfast in the Lord ready to fight them through much prayers and watchfulness. That is why Paul said in the last verse of 1Corinthians 9
"But I keep under my body, and bring it into
"But I keep under my body, and bring it into
subjection: lest that by any means, when I
preached to others, I myself should be a castaway"
The decision of going to heaven or hell is in our hands. If we hold unto the faithful teachings of the bible, of cause we will not miss heaven. On the other hand if we slide back, we will definitely miss heaven. Doctrine of eternal security (once you are saved, you are forever saved) is falsehood.
Now that we claimed that we are civilize-jet society, lot of water is passing under the bridge. Check on social Medias, you will see a lot. To my greatest surprise, some brethren that I thought were fervent in serving the Lord some years back, one need not to consult a necromancer to know whether they are compromisers. Some of our sisters that were not in the fashion of painting their faces, putting on ear rings, attachment nor wearing of trousers are now happily doing those things they rejected. Must abating, lesbianism, homosexuals’ is no longer strange within brethren on our campuses, what a terrible situation. However, I am not surprise because verse 1 of 1 Timothy 4 already predicted it;
"Now the spirit speaketh expressly that
in the latter times some will depart from
the faith, giving heed to seducing spirit
and doctrines of the devils"
My brethren, come to think of it, how many years do you have on earth as compared to eternity? Are you trying to tell me that you prefer to misbehave within the few years you have on earth and spend the rest of your life in hell fire? Have you forgotten that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? 1 Corinthians 6:9. Why are you sliding back my brother/sister? Can you manage the pain in hell for a minute? Or do you think that you can be able to make it during the anti-Christ reign when you have to pay with your blood, after the rapture of the saints? Think about this. Don’t allow the desire to get marriage, acquire material things, satisfaction of the flesh and the likes to deny you access to God kingdom. If your right eyes cause you to fall, plot it out, for it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than the whole of your body be cast into hell fire.
If you are reading this message, and you are not yet born again, pray (Rom 10:9-11, John 3:3) to God to forgive your sin and write your name in the book of life. However, if you were once born again but has slide back, call on God to restore you back, sanctify and energize you for greater work.(Joel 2:25,Ezekiel 36:25-30). Together we will make the heaven in Jesus name, Amen.
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