Check this out and see if you are not a thief - What you must render to God


By Paul Akogwu
Some pretending religious folks came to meet Jesus asking if they were to obediently pay tribute to Caesar or do otherwise. Jesus asked them to bring a penny to Him which had the image of Caesar, He then told them that as Caesar's image was on it, so let them RENDER unto Caesar what belonged to him and unto God what belonged to God (Luke 20:19-25)

  But you see, if these men truly sought to do God's will they might have asked "what belong to God that we may RENDER them to Him?" To which Jesus must have pointed at one of them and asked "whose image is on this man?" The correct answer they would have given was "God's image." This is because man has been made in God's image (Genesis 1:27) Jesus of course would have said "RENDER to God what belongs to God."

 Dear friend, have you RENDERED to God what belongs to Him? He who refused to pay tribute was a thief, so are those who refuse to give to God the life they hold.

  For this reason, many have been hearing God's word for years without being saved. They complain that they have tried and tried to no avail as if God is a liar. They have answered many calls to salvation, yet they are not saved. See, salvation is UNDENIABLE for everyone who is truly willing to give their lives to the Owner. Are you ready?...Are you sure?

Let's go...
Will you surRENDER your fornication and adultery to Jesus?
Will you surRENDER alcohol and cigarette to Jesus?
Will you surRENDER cheating and exam malpractices to Jesus?
Will you surRENDER lying, insults and anger to Jesus?
What of malice, gossip and pride?

Mention you own...

You say "but why list all these things when the issue we are talking about here is life?" But that is your life!

Your life consists of the life you live isn't it? So the things you do, they make up your life.
 Won't you surRENDER the remains of the mess you have made of the precious God-given life you hold? Will you do it right NOW or you will still continue to rob God?
surRENDER it now to Jesus.
But why not now?

-coined from a quip by Ravi Zacharias

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