Six Deadly things God hates, Seven is abomination
(Proverbs 6:16-19)
God is the owner of all lives. Human being since the Fall has put several things to practice in which God detests. read them below
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1. Proud look
Psalm 101:5, Proverbs 8:13; 21:4, 1 Timothy 6:4
The lord Hates pride
Taking yourself higher than other. God created everyone equal. No one is greater. We are all same before Him. Although some are older in age and experience than others, or higher in rank (we have to recognize that), still we are same.
Despising others is pride.
2. Lying tongue
Psalm 120:2,3, 31:18, 59:12; Proverbs 10:18
Lying lips are abomination to God.
When you tell lies to save yourself or another, its a great sin against God. You won't be even respected by humans as morality will have it if you have lying lips. Its wrong to deceive other either on serious or playful note.
3. Hands that sheds innocent blood
5. Feet that be swift in running to mischief
Many bear false witness against the other most times in other to gain favor. other do it out of wickedness to punish or to threaten. Its a very wrong thing to do such and as the bible says, such will not go Unpunished
7. Sowing discord among brethren
"Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved,
Psalm 101:5, Proverbs 8:13; 21:4, 1 Timothy 6:4
The lord Hates pride
Taking yourself higher than other. God created everyone equal. No one is greater. We are all same before Him. Although some are older in age and experience than others, or higher in rank (we have to recognize that), still we are same.
Despising others is pride.
2. Lying tongue
Psalm 120:2,3, 31:18, 59:12; Proverbs 10:18
Lying lips are abomination to God.
When you tell lies to save yourself or another, its a great sin against God. You won't be even respected by humans as morality will have it if you have lying lips. Its wrong to deceive other either on serious or playful note.
3. Hands that sheds innocent blood
Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17, Mark 10:19
Killing of fellow human is a very bad thing for one to be involved in. This is very common in our society today.
This also include abortion of unborn babies, planning with someone to kill another, hiring of assassins, etc . God hates such acts.
4. Heart that deviseth wicked imaginations
4. Heart that deviseth wicked imaginations
There are people that put forth wicked imaginations, they are always plotting evil against others.
God hates it
God hates it
5. Feet that be swift in running to mischief
Proverbs 8:13, Psalm 97:10, Amos 5:15
This means turning to evil so quickly. They are always eager to hurt someone.
6. False witness
6. False witness
Proverbs 19:5, Exodus 20:16, Revelation 21:8
Many bear false witness against the other most times in other to gain favor. other do it out of wickedness to punish or to threaten. Its a very wrong thing to do such and as the bible says, such will not go Unpunished
7. Sowing discord among brethren
Romans 16:17:18, James 4:11, Ephesians 5:11
In the church today, you would see member quarreling with one another. Talkativeness and tale bearing has become the other of the day making or creating hate in the house of the Lord.
What can we do to avoid these things God hates?
2 Peter 3:11 says
what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy
conversation and godliness,"
All we need do is to live Holy and hand over everything to God to help you remove whatsoever sin is in You.
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