The unbelieving Jews: Knowing the Law but not keeping it (Romans 2:1-29)

You must have to understand that “it is one thing to know the law and it is another thing to keep it.”
The Jews believed and thought that because they know the law so well and was given unto them, they have everything and called other sinner.

Paul in this letter made the Jews in Rome to know that they cannot be excused out of God’s judgement as they mad or see Gentiles as sinner. They are also guilty of what they accuse the Gentiles of.
The same is the case today where people, because they go to church believe that they are already done with the gospel and has qualified for heaven already.
It doesn’t work that way. You must abide by the law of Christ before you are qualified to be accepted by heaven.

The Jews saw themselves as righteous in the sight of God. Therefore, they do not give any regard the Gentiles. But Paul made them to understand that there is no big difference between them and the Gentile because they practice same. They disregarded God’s grace and hardened their heart but followed the LAW.

We must draw some few points from this 
  1.  Whoever you are (keeper of the law or not), so long you are far from God by sinning, His punishment will be on you.
  2. God respects no man.
  3. God will not save those who did not hear the gospel. The consequence of sin will follow all (those that know the law or not).
  4. Those that keep the law are justified, not just the hearers but (Law here means the will of God).
“(For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified”
The Jews that knew the law did not follow it. What they preached against is what they do.
Lessons to learn
  1. Keep to what you profess 
  2. Knowing the law is not an escape route from God’s judgement but doing the law
  3. “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32) 
  4.  God respects no man

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